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Company Catch Up

Wow! How is time disappearing so quickly at the moment? 2020 is already flying by! We’ve been busy busy busy lately with a healthy workload, and have continued to expand our customer base and online presence on behalf of our clients. However, as a result, we haven’t been so hot on our own updates and news channels. That’s the ironic thing about running a content marketing company – the busier we get creating content for others, the less time we have to keep our own channels up to date! In a way, it’s a good thing, as having lots of work is never something to complain about. But either way, we thought it was time for a catch-up! So here goes with a brief summary of our inaugural year, an update on where we’re at, and more info about our plans for the coming months…

We were informed by our own personal social media channels the other day that it’s now been a year since Palm Tree Digital was officially born. And what a year it’s been! Of course, we didn’t open our virtual doors for business right away. Getting the company set up and registered properly, and the (seemingly endless!) admin side of sorting out bank accounts, visas, and work permits, etc. all took time. So, all in all, it was another few months before we were up and running properly. However, all that waiting time gave us plenty of opportunities to work on our own processes in the background, and it’s fair to say our ‘to do’ list this time last year was pretty endless:
• Decide on a logo
• Hire a web designer
• Purchase domain and email hosting
• Write the content for our website
• Set up our social media channels
• Get an accounting system
• Compile our marketing plan
• Subscribe to a mass storage and filing system
• Set up our frameworks for analysis
• Write templates for our quotations and contracts
• Etc. etc. etc.

This list pretty much scratches the surface, but you get the idea. We had a lot to do and wanted to get going in a speedy but realistic time frame so we could put ourselves out there and get to work as soon as possible once all of the time-consuming admin and legal bits were done and dusted. So whatever you’d like to believe (Linzi’s mum, we’re looking specifically at you here!) it’s not like we were lazing round in a hammock for days on end, kicking back with a mojito in hand and generally living it up. No, we were quite the hive of activity, and anyone who’s ever taken the leap on setting up a new business from scratch will appreciate how overwhelming it can all be at times. But of course, on reflection, 100% worth the effort.

By midway through the year we were fully up and running and already had our first clients on board. From there, we’ve gone from strength to strength, and are delighted with how our services have been received. So far, our most popular services have been:

  1. Social media management
  2. Digital marketing analysis
  3. Website rewrites for enhanced keywording and content SEO
  4. Blogging
  5. Proofreading

We’ve been delighted to work with a range of businesses in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors including hotels, beach resorts, hostels, dive schools, adventure centers, sailing clubs, professional training organizations, cafes, and restaurants. We’ve also been happy to push outside the boundaries of the lifestyle industry and work with a client in the medical industry, and one of our favorite projects was being able to help a not for profit organization focusing on environmental awareness and reforestation.

So far our business has come from a range of geographical locations. Some of our clients are based right here on Koh Tao with us, and we love that. We adore Koh Tao, and one of the reasons we set up here in the first place was to help local businesses market themselves – and indeed the island as a whole – better. In addition to our Koh Tao customers, we’ve helped businesses based in Hawaii, Australia, Germany, Finland, Spain, Dubai, and the Caribbean. Unfortunately for us as our work is predominantly online, site visits were not deemed necessary – but we’ll make it over to you one of these days!

So there you have it. That’s pretty much a roundup of what we’ve been up to since the whole thing started – with all the boring bits left out (you’re welcome!). Palm Tree Digital life is fantastic at the moment, so we’d like to thank each and every one of you who has contributed to our success thus far. To our amazing customers who have trusted us with the image of their companies, we are very much looking forward to strengthening your online presence even further in 2020. And to our friends and families for their continued support and loyalty, we couldn’t have done it without you. Bring on the rest of 2020, and another great year for the Palm Tree Digital team!

Have any questions about us and what we do? Or perhaps more specifically what we could do for you? Feel free to get in touch for a chat, and by all means, check out our full list of services online.