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Blog Writing

More traffic, please


Blogs are a necessity to create relevant content for your customers and drive traffic through your website. Struggling with finding the time or skills to keep the blog section of your site up to date? Fear not! One of our specialties is creating high-quality blog posts that will stimulate interest and create online traffic for your company.

If you’re wondering why you need blogs on your website at all, the first and foremost reason is to increase search engine traffic. The more pages from your domain that are indexed, the more visible you become in searches. Google loves fresh content, and blogging is a highly effective way to add to your website on a regular basis. Plus the more written content you have, the more opportunities you gain to rank for additional keywords and to add high-quality inbound links that lead back to your web pages.

It’s not just about the Google machine though. Blogs allow you to tell stories that add depth and understanding to your brand, showcase your passions, and convey the personality of your business and its employees. When used correctly, blogging can also be a fantastic way to build trust and gain a competitive edge by establishing yourself as an expert within your industry.

We're so pro-blogging, that we even wrote a blog about blogging, and why you need it!

Let's Get Started!

  • We will work with you to agree on blog topics that will compliment your business, promote discussion and generate leads.
  • We’ll provide you with expertly written blog pieces that capture the interest of your target market.
  • We'll include cross-references and links to your products and services to drive traffic through your website.
  • We will adopt the correct written tone to develop trust and portray the brand persona that is right for you.
  • We will build on your existing keyword optimization, and our blog content to expand on your keyword criteria.