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Behind the Scenes at Palm Tree Digital: Some More About Us…

We promised from the very beginning that we’d be a personal and personable company, as well as a professional one. Part of that included plans to provide more lifestyle posts and blogs so that you could get a sense of who we are as people rather than just faces behind the laptops, tapping away to keep your web copy, blogs, and social media channels ship shape. We feel our social media presence represents a realistic sense of our style, humour, and personality, as well as being a place to go for more company information and contact details. We try to keep our channels a balance between facts, fun, and promoting our products and services. How do you think we’re doing? 

The Story So Far

We’re incredibly happy with the way our business relationships have developed and are really enjoying all of the contact we have with our clients, whether in person, via video call, or simply by email or text message apps. Lately, Covid-19 has meant more and more online communication, but normally we are very happy to meet in person too. For on-island business, we prefer a face to face chat whenever possible, especially at the start of a new relationship. It’s much easier to talk honestly and openly this way than in writing, where tone and intention can be misconstrued and it’s difficult to pick up on humor and personality, etc. Plus, it’s generally a quicker, more efficient, and more enjoyable way to get the ball rolling than bouncing email questions and requests for information back and forth. However, at the end of the day, we pride ourselves on being helpful, flexible, and friendly, and we hope that comes across in all of our correspondence, regardless of the medium. 

So back to the topic at hand: getting to know us a little bit better...

Our Awesome Team

It will come as no surprise for anyone who knows us that we are firm friends as well as business partners. Put us in a room together and you won’t hear a moment’s silence for several hours – and that’s without even talking about work or adding wine into the mix! Speaking of wine, all three of us are avid fans of all colours…no surprise there! There’s a bunch of other factors that bond us together too:

  • We love to travel and explore new places. Originally we all made the move to Koh Tao alone, without having a spouse or any other family members living here. Later down the line, Jenni met her husband on the island, and Aom’s mum is now also a resident. Fyi, Aom’s mum is an amazing cook and makes the most delicious Khao Soi (a northern Thai curry). 
  • We have all worked as scuba diving instructors. In fact, Aom still teaches and in 2018 received the PADI Elite Instructor Award for outstanding accomplishments in diver training. 
  • We’re all total softies for animals. Linzi has a dog, and Jenni & Aom have cats - although we’re pretty sure one of Jenni's cats thinks it’s a dog, but that’s a whole other story!
  • We like being active. Linzi hikes nearly every day and Jenni is a yoga instructor, while Aom prefers a more traditional gym workout. 
  • All three of us drive a Kawasaki KLX motorbike.
  • Did we mention we all like wine?

Aside from the info above, we also thought it would be amusing to give you some extra fun facts about us and see if you can draw the right conclusions for yourselves. So if you’d like to play along, have a go at guessing which of our three Palm Tree Digital founders the following statements apply to…

  • Two of us are equestrians.
  • One of us is vegetarian.
  • Two of us have a matching tattoo.
  • One of us is a nondenominational celebrant (and has actually married people).
  • One of us has been in the video for a global commercial advertising campaign.

Have fun guessing! :)